Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Plastic Bag Recycling drop-off at Safeway

We dropped by Safeway a week ago and we saw that they have a recycling bin for Plastic Bags. We have a couple of Safeway stores in my area. Both stores used to be Genuardi's but it was renamed about a year or two ago. Genuardi's is also owned by the Safeway company.

I am not sure where else Safeway is big. We have visited California (in the San Francisco Bay area) before and saw several stores out there. I checked their website and I found out that they have 1,775 stores across the United States and Canada. The store count includes the following stores: Vons, Randalls, Tom Thumb, Genuardi's and Carrs.

Here's what the recycling bin looks like.

I had to take another picture because my son wanted to be part of it.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Reusable Bags (Disney Store and Toys R Us)

It is the Holiday Season and I am guessing that a lot of people are done with their Holiday shopping while a few are still scrambling on what to buy. I believe we are done with our shopping (I hope). The presents are already wrapped and are all under our Christmas Tree.

We did some shopping last weekend and I found a couple of Toy stores selling Reusable Bags. The first two bags shown below are from the Disney Store Outlet. I didn't get how much each bag cost but these bags have nice designs. The children in your household and anyone that's a Disney fanatic will love them. My youngest son likes the Mickey bag because he likes Mickey so much.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse bag


The next set of photos are some of the reusable bags available at Toys R Us. The reusable bag cost $1.49 each and they also have very nice designs. They have designs that you can use everyday (recycle sign, flowers, butterfly) or designs for the season like the snowy village, snowman and the polar bear below. I saw a halloween themed bag with an orange pumpkin but didn't get a chance to take a picture of it because it was stacked behind all the winter season bags.

If you ever get one of these reusable bags, you should hold your head high and feel proud of yourself for helping save the Earth.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Recycling at Best Buy

I dropped by Best Buy last weekend to get a copy of Wall-E for my kids. I accidentally saw that they have a recycling bin near their door. Best Buy accepts several items for recycling - Cellphones, PDAs, Pagers, Compact Discs, Inkjet cartridges, Used Gift Cards and Rechargeable batteries. According to their sign, a portion of the proceeds are donated to charity.
If you do not have the recyclable item with you, you can bring home a postage-paid bag and use it to send your recyclable item.
Below are the bags that Best Buy provides for Inkjet and Cellphone recycling. Since it's already postage-paid, just put your recyclable item in it, drop it in the mail and you don't have to pay for anything.

(Disclaimer: I am not an employee of Best Buy and I do not own any of their shares. The details above are for informational purposes only.)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Recycle Some More

My son likes to draw and gave me this and asked me post it on the site. He was bugging me last week to post it but haven't had a chance until now.

On the chasing arrows of the recycling symbol, he wrote the words Paper, Can and Plastic. Beside each chasing arrow he drew an item that you can recycle (Paper - a piece of paper with a picture of the sun, Can - an opened can, Plastic - a water/H2O plastic bottle).

I have been encouraging my son to recycle and I have seen him doing this. For example, he segregates paper that he used for his activities and tells me to put them in the recycling bin. He also likes drinking chocolate milk from fast food places and he does not want to throw the bottles on the trash bin. Instead, he brings them home and tells me to include them also in the recycling bin.

In case you want to see some of my son's drawings (taking my chance here to promote his site), you can visit DK Books and Other Stuff!

Have a nice day!!!!

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